5e Angry Monster Manager


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Frequently Asked Questions

Saving and Loading
Bestiary Printing
Changing Color Scheme
Monster Design
Icon Meanings
CR Calculator
Latest Update

Where did all of this come from?

- The statblock is modified from D&D 5e Statblock Generator
- Uses the creature archetypes from AndruC

How Does Saving and Loading Files Work?

Your data is automatically saved in your browser and is preserved unless you manually clear it (You can do so with the 'Clear Data' button on the sidebar).

Each page saves a different file: a .monster, a .compendium, or a .encounter. These are all really just text files and the extensions are simply to help the end user know what they are.

You can load ANY of these three files into ANY of the sections. The monster page will load the first monster of a bestiary or encounter and the bestiary and encounter page will load and add all the monsters in the file. Additionally, if you load an encounter file in the encounter page, it will first clear the current encounter and also load the extra encounter-specific data.

Bestiary Printing

Hitting the "Printable Compendium" button will generate a page with ALL printable statblocks currently in the bestiary, in the order they appear in the display. To print only a subset, SAVE YOUR CURRENT MONSTERS, then delete the ones you don't want to print from the bestiary.

Use the broswers' "Save to PDF" option from the print menu (tested in Chrome). The print page is sized to work with either US Letter or A4 in portrait mode. For US Letter, ensure margins are set to "none". For A4, set a custom margin of 0 on the sides and top, and 17.6mm on the bottom.

There are still some issues with the top border, and there currently is no way to set them to all print with custom options for showing/hiding morale, CR, threat, and tier.

Change Color Scheme

How Do I Make a Monster?

First, READ THE ARTICLE on the process.

Use the menus to select what you want for stats. The attack bonus, the ability save DC, and the average DPR are NOT automatically added to abilities and actions - you have to manually type them in.

It is recommended to set ability scores based on the monster's attack bonus and DPR, then use the syntax (i.e. [STR 1d6]) for attacks. This will also bold the attack and damage in the abbreviated statblocks. The abbreviated statblocks are still in beta and will only show actions that have descriptions of less than 144 characters.

Additionally, you can start from presets. Adding a monster to the bestiary from the monster generator will overwrite an existing monster if they have the same name - like if you are editing monsters from your bestiary. If you use manual file uploads to get multiple monsters with the same name, this function will not work properly.

What do the icons mean?

- Remove from list / Remove 1 from encounter

- Edit monster / Edit ability

- Move up in list

- Move down in list

- Add 1 to encounter

- Sort alphabetically

Using the CR Calculator

It currently does not have modifiers for traits. It will take the maximum of the save DC or attack bonus, so set the secondary mode of attack less than or equal to the primary. Calculaing CR is also done slightly differently, it is done by index rather than value. That means that CR is incremented up and down levels instead of added, so offensive CR 0 + defensive CR 1 becomes a CR 1/4 instead of CR 1/2. This mainly affects the low end of the spectrum.

How Often is the Community Compendium Updated?

For now, it gets updated daily around 00:00 GMT if there are new submissions. In the future, there will likely be some sort of codified review process and updates will be made weekly.

Latest Update

19 March 2021 - added export for all encounter monsters, implemented the NPC roster, and fixed several bugs/qol issues. 15 March 2021 - Export all monsters in bestiary, see Bestiary Printing for more info.